Wednesday 10 September 2014

Pastures New

A couple of weeks ago (I am still catching up), I ventured to a new area for me - between Blackfriars and Temple, south of Fleet Street. I made the mistake of getting the tube, thinking it would be much quicker than walking, but instead waited about fifteen minutes for a train. It was one of those situations where you just have to wait, because you know as soon as turn your back a train will arrive. Anyway...

I started off on Tudor Street, where I took the following couple of pictures of the same building.

I saw a face in the image below when I shot it, but it doesn't appeal to me quite as much any more.

From here I turned onto John Carpenter Street, named after a town clerk of London during the time of Henry V and Henry VI and who wrote the first book of English Common Law. I have no idea who is depicted by the statue below, but based on the figures attire it is not John Carpenter.

A bit further down Tudor Street and parallel to John Carpenter Street is Temple Avenue, where I took this picture outside one of the many law firms in the area.

Heading up towards Fleet Street I struggled a little with some of the smaller and narrower streets, but will no doubt have to visit the area a few times to cross them all off. The following shot is of Playdell Court which is not the best picture but would have been very ordinary, had the two guys not started wheeling the large bins up the alley.

A few streets away connecting Bouverie Street with Whitefriars Street is Ashentree Court which turns into Magpie Alley. On Googling these streets whilst writing this post I came across a couple of interesting things. First of  all I came across a few crimes from the 18th Century recorded by the old Bailey, that took place on Ashentree Court. They make for interesting reading and can be found here. Secondly I found from this link that there is a crypt right below the spot where I took the  following picture of Ashentree Court, and I never even noticed it.

The following picture is of Magpie alley and you can read more about it from the above mentioned link, but the images on the right wall explain some of the history of the area.

Towards the Top end of the aforementioned Whitefriars Street, is one of my favourite street names that I have come across so far, Hanging Sword Alley, which apparently features in Charles Dickens "Tale of Two Cities".

Off here leading to Fleet Street is Hood Court, which is more of an alley, and a short one at that.

Entering Hanging Sword Alley from Whitestreet, the alley leads to Salisbury Square and onto Salisibury Court and Dorset Rise. I managed a picture of the latter, but not a very good one and it was at this point that I decided to call it a night.

I walked to Farringdon Tube Station, but on the way noticed the following on Cock Lane, which is far from being a good shot, but it tickled me when I saw it. Appropriately, in medieval times legalised brothels where situated here.

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